The Hard to Swallow Truth and Facts About Fluoride in Your Water
Posted by Adrian Frank on June 19, 2012

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So what are the “hard to swallow” facts about fluoride in your water?
“What is fluoride?”
“Sodium fluoride, sodium silicofluoride and fluosilicic acid are all used in dental offices, toothpaste and water fluoridation are toxic waste substances created from the creation processes in the fertilizer, steel, nuclear and aluminum industries.”
This is some of the opening language in the below video. But, doesn’t that just make you want to ask: “WHAT in the SAM HILL is this fluoride doing in my Dentist’s Office, in my toothpaste and in my water supply?”
Well, don’t just take my word for it! Watch this compelling and factual documentary about fluoride that makes such a claim as the one above, and see for yourself just how asinine an idea it is that we’ve (YOU, YOURSELF) have been subjected to our (YOUR) entire life!
To wit:
I mean, seriously, after watching this video don’t you feel this bears mentioning…at least?!
I mean, to think we are ALL ingesting toxic waste in our cities’ water supplies, toothpaste, etc, so this begs the question.
Why are they doing this to us (you)? Why are we being subjected to this toxic fluoride (especially when it has been found, with EMPIRICAL data via DIRECT OBSERVATION that fluoride actually ROTS the teeth and provides no health benefits whatsoever)?
Well their endeavors, as you’ve just seen and heard in vivid detail, have a two-pronged effect:
1. They (fertilizer, steel, nuclear and aluminum industry companies) effectively have a way to “safely” deal with the “dumping” of toxic waste.
2. This is a cash cow for them, of course. They make billions of dollars by selling fluoride to governments, the dental industry and pharmaceutical companies.

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But it goes further (and more sinister than even that). The video you just watched went into further detail about a scheme that was used in WWII wherein German Scientists used fluoride to medicate water supplies to mind control the populations of the cities they took over.
German scientists in World War II discovered that fluoride causes slight damage to a specific part of the brain affect the neurotransmitter in the brain to control it thus causing the individual to become more docile to authority.

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“In point of fact, fluoride causes more human cancer deaths, and causes it faster, than any other chemical” – Dean Burke, Former Chief Chemist Emeritus, US National Cancer Institute
Now that you know the severity of the dangers of fluoride (if you haven’t watched the entire video from above just yet – do it now because there is important truths, data and facts in there that you need to know).
When you are finished with the 21 minute, 15 second short video – here are some very important tips to help you eliminate fluoride from your bodies.
To wit:
1. Because fluoride can be found in a lot of bottled water as well it is important to find out if the city you live in fluoridates your water. If you happen to be in a city (and they do exist) that doesn’t fluoridate your water – drink tap water instead of bottled water.
2. Even this isn’t ideal because tap water still contains chlorine and other chemicals that aren’t good for the body. The ideal situation is purchase a filtration system that is capable of filtering out both chlorine and fluoride.
3. In terms of toothpaste make sure that next time you go to the store that you find toothpaste that is free of fluoride.

4. You can even use baking soda to brush your teeth and it does a great job of cleaning your teeth as well.
5. Share this video and/or blog post with your friends, family and loved ones.
6. Gently approach your family Dentist and Doctors about this. Many health professionals truly want to help keep you healthy, but many have simply believed what they’ve been taught. Be kind to them and they will be kind to you.
God bless you. ~ Adrian and Jocelyn Frank CEO/Owners of Adrian Frank Consulting
Cell: 206-261-7348
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