Guinness Book of World Records Recorded Biggest Snowball Fight in History TODAY, January 12, 2013, Seattle!
Check out this short YouTube video of the Guiness Book of World Records Biggest Snowball Fight in History that just happened TODAY, here in Seattle, Washington, January 12, 2013!
Twelve (12) bars and restaurants offered discounted drinks and food specials!
Six thousand plus (6,000+) people were expected to be on hand!
One hundred and sixty thousand pounds (160,000 lbs) of snow hauled into Seattle Center, at the “shadow of the Space Needle” by thirty-four dump trucks!
There was even a snow fort and snow castle competition that people participated in!
Enjoy this YouTube video of the actual snowballing part of the days events that happened at about 5PM today (so of course it’s dark outside, being early January):
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