Kim Kardashian in Bahrain, Kuwait
Reality TV star Kim Kardashian was doing what she does best recently as she visited Bahrain, Kuwait to promote yet another product.
She is a genius when it comes to receiving huge publicity for things that really have zero impact on most of the rest of the world. Kim Kardashian recently made headlines with a trip to Bahrain, Kuwait where she went to promote a new milkshake vendor. She managed to get headlines on the gossip pages about riots in the streets of Bahrain, but they were never substantiated in the “real” press.
If you ask yourself what she famous for, it would be difficult to find anything, other than being famous for being famous. She has used this to market every type of product that will pay her to promote their business. Her own line of products has sold millions and made her and herreality TV family very wealthy.
Many parents have concern over their children (particularly young girls) following her every move online, in magazines or on Twitter because there is nothing substantial about Kim Kardashian other than “over the top” consumerism.
There have been many online petitions to stop her from even being mentioned on news pages of websites and many blog sites have banned Kim Kardashian from being mentioned.
In spite all of the negative reactions, Kardashian continues to be “big news” and her every move is tracked by her huge group of followers. She is actually an editor’s dream because even on a slow news day, there is always something to write about Kim Kardashian that will interest her fans and attract attention.
But you have to wonder how long her fame will continue. As she continues to try to top her last big “thing”, more and more fans might be offended by her predictable behavior. Who couldn’t see the failure of her marriage coming from a mile away? After getting extended play on TV for the wedding and everything leading up to it, Kardashian got as much or more publicity when the marriage inevitably ended.
In years to come, Kim Kardashian will probably be in the college text books as a case study to teach the power of marketing. The lesson will be that you don’t actually have to be accomplished at anything (such as sports, business, entertainment, etc.). As long as you have managed to make yourself famous, you can become very wealthy by selling anything and everything to your fan base as long as you are willing to keep finding new lows. Apparently, you can even get your whole family involved as well and make them semi-famous just by being related to you.
God bless you! Adrian and Jocelyn Frank
CEO/Owners of Adrian Frank Consulting
Cell: 206-261-7348
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