A ‘Trojan Horse Cancer Strategy’ Exciting Breakthrough
There is an exciting breakthrough in cancer research announced by scientists from the University of Sheffield Medical School. The project was sponsored by the Prostate Cancer Charity and Yorkshire Cancer Research.
It is being called the Trojan Horse cancer strategy and has been proven successful in eliminating prostate cancer in mice in the treatment study.
Researchers are very optimistic that this can be translated into a human cure, but state that human trials are the next step.
You may remember the story of the Trojan Horse from mythology. Ancient Greeks wanted to conquer the city of Troy but couldn’t penetrate the high walls and locked gate that the Trojans had built. The Greeks built a huge wooden horse and hid soldiers inside it before pulling it up to the front of the Trojan gates pretending it was a gift. The Trojans opened their gate and pulled the wooden horse inside the city. At night the Greek soldiers came out of the Trojan Horse and opened the gates for the rest of their army to enter, which allowed them to conquer the city of Troy.
The Trojan Horse cancer strategy works the same way, but in order to understand it you need to know how macrophages work.
Macrophages are large white blood cells that are part of the immune system. They occur in the bloodstream and ingest foreign particles and infectious microorganisms. It is known that the number of macrophages increase in a cancerous tumor after standard chemotherapy and radiation treatments because the macrophages are drawn to the tumor sites.
Researchers injected a tumor destroying virus into macrophages and used them to hide the virus and deliver it to the tumor site. The virus had to be hidden because the immune system will normally find and destroy any virus in the body. The macrophages naturally go to the tumor site and multiply and attack the tumor cells. This treatment kept the tumors in mice from re-growing and spreading. Since they are sneaking the virus into the tumor, the nameTrojan Horse cancer strategy seems appropriate.
Enjoy this YouTube video by the NewsyScience folks:
While the results of the Trojan Horse cancer strategy research are very promising for human cancer treatments, the researchers were quick to point out that human trials must be done. There have been other instances where cancer strategies that worked successfully on animals didn’t translate to a human cure, however, this is definitely to be regarded as an important step in the development of new cancer treatments and provides evidence that the concept does work.
Please leave your comments, concerns or questions about the Trojan Horse cancer strategy in the comment section below.
God bless you!
Adrian and Jocelyn Frank
CEO/Owners of Adrian Frank Consulting
eMail: adrianfrank@gmail.com, jocelyntranfrank@gmail.com
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