Monday, October 1, 2012

What Makes Fire Uncontrollable?

Better asked like this.  Why can't we, with all our technology, resources and innovation in engineering:  put out forest fires before they eats up tens of thousands of acres?


This has really caused me to wonder.  Don't you?  It never ceases to amaze me how a fire gets exponentially larger and larger and larger and more uncontrollable hour by hour and minute by minute.

The short, obvious answer really lies in the word I just used in the previous paragraph:  exponentially.  The larger the fire gets, the more exponential the growth rate of same.
However, I think that there is a more meaningful, more ponderous and more true answer.  The fact that, many times, we can only try to maintain a fire and just watch it and hope that the weather changes enough to put it out just tells us something else.

uncontrollableFire has an indefinable and intangible nature  that really gets the mind thinking about what that "something else" could possibly be, doesn't it?

I mean, to think that forest fires get to a point where huge groups of volunteers and fire department officials can only slash entire sections of forest to take away a fire's "fuel".   And also that, even entire towns have to be evacuated to save the people in the town that the fire is bearing down upon.
Here's what I think could be the meaningful answer that I've often theorized about.  I believe it's the same reason we really have no control over the weather, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, etc etc etc.  Most recently;  were we able to do anything to prevent the tsunami from crashing down upon Japan's shores with unmitigated fury?
uncontrollableJust like with all natural disasters imposing themselves upon our precious lives and property only the God who created the heavens and the earth has the sovereignty to be in control of all He's created.  The meaningful answer I've been building up to is that fire, even though it's not "weather" itself, is yet another lesson for all of us testifying of the sovereignty of God.
For all the technologies, inventions, innovations, machinery, vehicles and processes we've created for ourselves (being creators ourselves created in the image of God);  we have to surrender control of fires as another thing that we cannot control.
Will we "create" a technological process or machine someday to put out gigantic fires?  I don't know.  Do you?
All I know is that we haven't, yet, for the first 6,000 years of our existence since Adam and Eve lived in the garden of Eden at the beginning of life on this planet.  I do, however, think it's possible and that I'm wrong that God intended fire to be 100% and forever:  uncontrollable.
God bless you!
Adrian and Jocelyn Frank
CEO/Owners of Adrian Frank Consulting
Cell: 206-261-7348
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