Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Wind is FREE: DIY (Do It Yourself) Wind Power!

The Wind is FREE: DIY (Do It Yourself) Wind Power!

by  | on October 28, 2012

Don’t wait for the government and the power companies to get around to providing wind power across the board.  Who knows how long you will have to wait?

By now you’ve heard a lot of talk about wind power, solar power, ocean wave power and other renewable energy sources that are free to all of us.  But talk is cheap.
How about some action?  You, me and all of us can generate our own free energy and there is a plethora of ways, including doing it yourself to power your own home!  You think the power companies and government regulatory agencies want us to know this?  Too bad!

Wind Power is free, and it doesn’t cost much to make our own wind power generators.

Wind Power
Not to mention solar power.  You can even make a solar collector array from aluminum pop cans!  It’s TRUE!  Look:
Now, the pop can solar collector may not be as easy to create in your home garage as some of these other methods, but it is definitely doable for a lot of people.  And if you can’t do it;  just find someone who “can” (pun intended)!

Wind Power is not a new concept by any stretch of the imagination, but we certainly do not have to wait any longer for the power companies to bring it to us.

Wind Power

The problem with waiting for wind power to be provided by the power companies is that it will no longer be free!  The power companies need to recoup their investments they ponied up into the infrastructure of the turbines and power network…and make a profit worthy of the venture, of course.
Here are 3 types of wind turbines that can be made for your home, or any home, for that matter, for a VERY MINIMAL cost.  YouTube is rife with instructional videos, but here is a concept video here:
Here is a blade-less Tesla turbine that is also very interesting.  Probably isn’t something that is easily created from home, but VERY interesting, nonetheless!
Here is an interesting one minute video from BMW that is generally relative to the concept of wind power.
Hope you enjoyed reading/watching this article as much as we enjoyed writing it.  The bottom line is we can easily generate our own power for FREE, forever, with minimal cost to put into place.
If you can’t figure out how to do it yourself, or can’t find anyone who can do it for you;  you can hire a company if you can afford the upfront costs involved.  As a rule of thumb, it is said that the upfront costs of a wind/solar power solution for your home will take about 5-7 years to recoup the investment.
After that:  nothing but profit in the sense that you’re no longer paying for power usage!
Up next:  solar power.

God bless you!
Adrian and Jocelyn Frank
CEO/Owners of Adrian Frank Consulting
Cell: 206-261-7348
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