Will Mitt Romney be our US President-elect in 2 days? Real Clear Politics Polling Leads Us to Believe So
Nationwide polling, including Real Clear Politics, tend to have Mitt Romney winning his presidential bid.
Karl Rove¹, Senior Advisor to George W. Bush, gave an illustration on Fox News on Saturday of how Republicans have historically been behind in the early voting then end up gaining ground and/or winning on the election day voting.
Rove was commenting on how Mitt Romney had a national lead on the President of roughly 7%. So, if history repeats itself, and the Republican has good election day results Obama will be another one-term president.
Mitt Romney, I believe it is safe to say, would not be opposed to that. This has been a really close race, chock full of gaffes, mud-slinging, moving speeches, controversy, etc, as with any race, but who will end up the victor just two (2) days from now?
Will Mitt Romney, even with the “47% of Americans”, video gaffe emerge victorious? Or will the “you didn’t build that flap” by Obama not hurt him enough and he emerges victorious?
The only thing we can be certain of, in an election fraught with uncertainty and tight competition: two days from now, on “Super Tuesday” we will know who our next President is. Unless, of course, we encounter another “hanging chad” fiasco like the Gore/Bush election of 2000.
I don’t think this will happen, and I’ll tell you why. As much as I believe that we cannot be certain one way or another in this race; I believe Mitt Romney will be the next President of the United States.
Individuals “not being a fan” of Obama is really not the point of this article.
So the “why” I just alluded to is that I believe the American people (the “not sures” and even the Obama leaning) have major questions in their minds about Obama’s INACTION while two courageous Navy S.E.A.L.S. died fighting off around 70-80 enemy troops (one full platoon, approx.) for seven hours.
It is for reasons such as this that I gave my rubber-stamp-approval for the challenger, Mitt Romney, and voted for same.
Let alone the fact that Romney is an unbelievably accomplished businessman with mostly unequaled business acumen, but that’s another blog post.
Obama made it clear that he doesn’t care about the nation he’s presided over these past four years. I already knew this, and his behavior and actions in the Benghazi attacks only serve to confirm it.
This infuriated me, and it should infuriate you. Two soldiers fought valiantly for seven (7) hours against 70-80 enemy soldiers when there were U.S. Marines standing at the ready not more than ONE hour away!
Regardless of where the pollsters of Real Clear Politics, Rasmussen, Gallup, etc, hold the race now, as close as it is, I believe it is for these reasons of paramount importance that Mitt Romney will prevail against the incumbent.
Thank you. I welcome any comments or questions you may have. Just leave them in the comment section below.
God bless you! Adrian and Jocelyn Frank
CEO/Owners of Adrian Frank Consulting
Cell: 206-261-7348
eMail: adrianfrank@gmail.com, jocelyntranfrank@gmail.com www.BeEmpoweredHere.com FIND your way to making $1000 PER DAY (I'm not kidding). DISCOVER the WEIRD marketing tricks of the Empower Network. WATCH this FREE Video. 1. Related Karl Rove article from Rove.com where Rove crunches a lot of numbers for us for this election: http://www.rove.com/articles/432
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