Wednesday, October 12, 2011

MLM Industry has "Pyramid Schemes"? Best check YO'SELF!

Watch this short video! It is SOOO apropos and VERY poignant and profound! Some further comments coming up in a few minutes.

Video here:

This is so appropriate because there are a LOT of people in this world who try to accuse MLM/Direct Sales/Network Marketing companies of being unfair or scams or unethical. Now granted, there IS a plethora of MLM companies out there that ARE unfair, unethical and can be considered scams, but for every MLM "scam" there is an equal or greater scam out there in the non-MLM world. I don't think many people consider this while unfairly vocalizing (or even thinking to themselves) their accusations of and/or objections to MLMs.

But stop and think about the profound message in this video and DON'T; in any way, shape or form APOLOGIZE for being in a MLM! EVERY business on this PLANET uses the SAME EXACT hierarchal structure that MLM companies use!

The owner is at the top of the "pyramid", the President/CEO is right under the owner, the Vice Presidents are under the President, the Directors are under the VPs, the Managers are under the Directors, the Supervisors are under the Managers and finally the Employees are under the Supervisors! And of course everyone further down in the hierarchy makes less than those above them (which is the CHIEF COMPLAINT that people have about the MLM business model/organizational structure).

What are the two big differences (among others, I'm sure), however, between the MLM world and the non-MLM world (even though the hierarchal structure is basically the same)?

First off, the NON-MLM world doesn't offer you a chance to make MORE THAN YOUR BOSS! In MLM, you can actually make MORE than those above you. Do YOU know ANYBODY who makes MORE than their boss (other than perhaps salespeople who are largely paid on commissions)

And the second big difference is that in the MLM world you can almost always (not all MLM compensation plans allow this) INFINITELY raise your INCOME according to your effort put forth!

Yes, in MLM, the sky is the limit (according to the effort you put forth). In NON-MLM, the only department you can make more than your preset salaries/wages is the sales department.

Adrian and Jocelyn Frank
Owners/CEO of Adrian Frank Consulting
Cell: 206-261-7348
WATCH this FREE Video.  FIND your way to making $1000 PER DAY (I'm not kidding).  DISCOVER the WEIRD marketing tricks of the Empower Network HERE !

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